Bruce Blood and Friends at PSGW
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Bruce Blood and Friends at PSGW

Bruce Blood and Friends at PSGW

Here’s a little taste of the magic that happens at Puget Sound Guitar Workshop: Whenever the always-amazing Nova Karina Devonie is going to be in camp, I like to have a new song for her to play. This has been going on for a long time, but one year, at the beginning of PSGW Week 2, I realized I’d neglected to do my homework and didn’t have a new song ready.


So I asked Nova what she wanted play expecting her to say “Western swing,” or “a Norteno polka,” or maybe even “Gypsy jazz.” I should have known better! “Hmmmmm…” said Nova. “How about something frightening!”  Okay, then…

That was Saturday and by Wednesday morning Mambo Moon was more or less fully formed. I was extra-lucky that two more of my permanent camp band members, Ron Peters and Mimi Hills, as well as my great pal, Ron Dalton, were all there that week, too. Then I asked Annie Staninec and Elian Carbone to complete the ensemble, and voila, another in a long line of dream bands! They played the Voodoo right into the Mambo Moon! All of this in five days from inspiration to performance!

A special shout-out to the ace PSGW sound and recording crew, Coty Hogue, Chip Hayward, and Pete Swensson. To say they spoil us is an understatement!

The secret sauce to the PSGW Voodoo really ain’t no secret at all: a bunch of amazingly talented, giving people, all there to build a community around shared music. Thank you, campers!



Mambo Moon
© 2013 B.L. Blood


Lead Vocal & Guitar (2nd lead): Bruce Blood
Accordion & Inspiration: Nova Karina Devonie
Guitar (1st Lead): Ron Peters
Violin: Annie Staninec
Upright Bass: Mimi Hills
Cajon & Harmony Vocal: Ron Dalton
Bongo Cajon: Elian Carbone

Staged, Mixed and Recorded by: Coty Hogue, Chip Hayward and Pete Swensson at the PSGW 2013 Wk. 2 Student Concert

Music & Lyrics: Bruce Blood




There’s something out there in the blue moonlight
I can see the shadows dancing in the night
There’s something out there stirring up the sultry air
I don’t know what it is but I know it’s there

All the world is quiet, nothing makes a sound,
And all the woodland critters have gone to ground
There’s something out there and it don’t belong
I don’t know how I know, but I know it’s wrong

Board up the windows.
Bar every door.
Cause there’s something out there could mean wrack and ruin,
Who knows what voodoo looms ‘neath the MAMBO MOON

Better take cover.
Grab your amulet and broom.
‘Cause there’s something out there, spelling someone’s doom
Who knows what voodoo looms ‘neath the MAMBO MOON
‘Cause there’s something out there, and it’s comin’ soon,
Who knows what voodoo looms ‘neath the MAMBO MOON
Who knows what voodoo looms ‘neath the MAMBO MOON
Who knows what voodoo looms… ‘neath the MAMBO MOON